Made up of different nationalities, passions, and giftings, The Scarlet Thread Team is unified by a personal desire to see the selling of humans for sexual purposes come to an end. Focused on demonstrating the love of Jesus in all they do and say, they each work diligently to make a difference in the lives of those they encounter.
Shonna Shipp
Bangkok Team
Tracy & Shonna knew before they met that they were both called to be full-time missionaries.
Read more about Tracy & Shonna's story of their journey to Thailand by clicking here.

Tracy Shipp
Founder/Executive Director
Bangkok Team
Tracy & Shonna knew before they met that they were both called to be full-time missionaries.
Read more about Tracy & Shonna's story of their journey to Thailand by clicking here.
Gwen Turner
"Mama" to Everyone
Read more about Gwen's story of her journey to Thailand by clicking here.

Jen Westgate
Board Member
There are so many reasons why I love being part of The Scarlet Thread team, but I think the part that I love the most is having the opportunity to watch my dear friends live out Mark 16:15. God has called Tracy, Shonna & Gwen to GO into Thailand and preach the Good News to EVERYONE, and that is exactly what they do. Through their ministry and by God’s divine plans, they have been able to reach many lost souls with the news that there is a Savior, a TRUE and LIVING God, who loves them regardless of their past or present situations. The Scarlet Thread teaches those who have been caught in the evils of human trafficking that they are valued, loved and redeemed through Jesus Christ. This ministry invests in the people of Thailand physically, emotionally and spiritually through building relationships and providing everlasting hope. I am truly blessed to be part of such an amazing ministry!
Bonnie Shipp
Board Member
Hi, I'm Bonnie Shipp, aka Tracy's Mom. For years I heard Tracy and Shonna share their calling to missions. As time passed, I wondered why they were here, if God had called them "there". In God's always perfect timing He revealed to both just where "there" was. He was at work in Thailand and He invited them to join Him there. I immediately thought about what I could do to help in addition to praying. One of the most valuable people in our years of mission work in Central and South America was a stateside friend who could handle things here. That's my job, that I can do. I handle banking, bill payments, correspondence, etc. as needed. Every soul is precious in our Father's sight; every soul was created with a vacancy only God can fill; no one is beyond His saving grace. I am blessed to support God's work in our children's lives, and to be a part of getting the gospel message with precious souls in Thailand who need to hear.

Ladonna Roshto
Board Member
I love getting to see the amazing work God is doing around the world changing lives with the Gospel. After seeing firsthand the need for Jesus and the hope of His salvation in Thailand, I can’t help but want to join in with what God is doing there. Also, I want to be a support to our missionaries, and my friends, who are living in Thailand and spending each day working to reach more and more people with the Good news of Jesus Christ.
Thread of Hope Assistant,
Bangkok Team
As a Thai person, I love my country. The Thai people are kind and generous and of course Thai food, it is so delicious. I am thankful to God for leading me to meet Pastor Tracy and Shonna. They gave me an opportunity to join them in growing the Thread of Hope Scholarship program and helping Thai children find hope for their future. I really enjoy working with them, as well as the parents and children who receive the scholarships we provide. All the things that I have done in the program are to glorify God and be a blessing to others. I can also share the gospel and connect them to the love of God, doing my part to complete a great commandment of Jesus. I am so thankful to God that I received salvation through Jesus Christ. I love going to church because I can feel the love and the presence of God among all of us, and people in the church are my family. Besides, I have a chance to serve Him and His people by being a part of the usher ministry and intercessory ministry. All of that helps me grow in my walk with Jesus Christ.